
They call me a Behavioural Analyst. I call myself "successful, intuitive, wise and damn good at what I do!"

Hi, I'm Karen Jean…
my friends call me

For the past 2 decades, Karen has developed and empowered Management, Entrepreneurs, Teams, CEO’s and Directors in Communications skills, Management Skills and Team Dynamics.

NONE of those skills and methodologies is enough for today's leaders. IT IS ALL NEW. The world is NEW.

15 years ago Karen began an intense journey of OBSERVING human behaviour, gathering data and tracking the results. I became proficient in not only RECOGNISING patterns in human behaviour but also anticipating behavioural patterns which influence the CONNECTS and DIS-CONNECTS when people communicate ONLINE - FACE TO FACE - CAMERAS ON or CAMERAS OFF.

In this NEW WORLD, from 2020 to now in 2024, this skill is a very powerful tool in the hands of LEADERS when tracking the “HUMAN” in the behaviour of your team and auditing Wellness

Karen challenges and equips people to self-audit and track their moods, triggers, reactions, and behavioural patterns in order to be in control and not be controlled or out of control.

Karen is the founder and developer of:

FICS the Workplace
8-week Woman of Influence Group coaching program
The FICS Behavioural Pattern indicator
The SW4 EQ Languaging audit
The Languaging behind the Language program

Everything that I teach is practical. I live it.

I self AUDIT daily,  I TRACK my behavior and thoughts and I TRANSLATE it into workable choices.  I keep this data safe in my emotional HUMAN BLUEPRINT VOLT.

My clients do the same.


Get ready to align your thinking process and skills to the year 2024


FICS The Workplace

Navigating our way through this new world. Learn how to track moods, triggers, reactions and behavioural patterns in order to be in control and not be controlled or out of control.

Woman in Leadership

Group Coaching

8-WEEK LIVE GROUP COACHING PROGRAM FOR WOMAN OF INFLUENCE to audit and design your personal identity blueprint!

Maximum group size 10 candidates.

1 to 1 Coaching

Corporates and indivduals

If only language were just words and conversation, it would make life easier ~ but it isn’t. We need to be able to assess our behavioural patterns and EQ languaging in order to determine which ones are real and which ones are debilitating you.

If you do not know who you are, someone will tell you who you are and you will believe it! ~ Karen Jean ~

This is the year to Re-think and Rewire!