1 to 1 Coaching

1:1 Private Accountability Coaching with Karen Jean

Navigating our way through this new world

If only language were just words and conversation, it would make life very easy but it isn’t.

Languaging, both the negative and positive versions, speaks through emotions, ambiance, textures, words, messages, emojis, brain preference, EQ, sound, imagination, expression, order, chaos, lines, pictures and so much more.

We need to be able to assess our patterns and decide which ones are REAL and which ones are debilitating you.

Be intentional… find the real you… nurture her and GIVE HER PERMISSION TO FLOURISH

We need to chat first….

Based on your situation and actual needs, we need to effectively clarify goals, actions and your highest impact activities. Once we have clarity on the above, together we will:

  • break down your goals into realistic action steps

  • create a focused daily action plan

  • create a focused weekly action plan

  • schedule 1:1 weekly coaching time in our calendars

  • track your results and progress

Accountability Take Action

Armed with your plan, you go into your week with clarity and focus.

You will wake up daily and operate with deliberate intention as you will know exactly what you need to do for the day.

Our aim will be to make daily and weekly progress with confidence and momentum.

All you need to do is show up and give me permission to create the change and hold you accountable.

I will assist you to review each week & commit to your plan.

Code switching

This is the movement of language between two or more EQ languages that controls and influences self talk and patterning.

It won’t disrupt your day at all.. You will just be more aware, learn to audit, track and eventually translate your patterning
go ahead and book a call below ...

Book a Discovery Call

Let's chat and see if 1:1 Coaching will be the right fit for you.