FICS The Workplace

Navigating our way through this new world

6-month virtual program 

Get ready to align your thinking process and skills to the year 2023

Program objectives

To equip the individual team members to be AWARE - OBSERVE - RECOGNISE:

  • The impact of the past 3 years on thier personal mental and physical wellness

  • Their own behavioural patterns, moods and emotions

  • How their behaviour impacts their colleagues, leaders and client interactions

Program outcome

To equip the individual team members to learn how to AUDIT - TRACK - TRANSLATE:

  • Their behaviour pattern through their daily patterns

  • Their personal triggers-both positive and negative

  • How to RE-THINK and RE-WIRE their thoughts that influence their behaviour

Program content

  • 21 things to reflect back on

  • Have we forgotten or have we just moved on

  • Triggers

  • The up's and down's of life

  • Learn to understand and identify your behavioural pattern

  • Find your happy place

  • The power of communication

  • EQ languaging

  • The disconnect and connects in communication

  • The science behind right and left brain thinking

  • Rewire - Rethink

  • Who is the real version of you

  • So where to from here

the world is new and so are we... We need to learn how to track the human in the behaviour of our teams

Learn how to track moods, triggers, reactions and behavioural patterns in order to be in control, not be controlled or out of control.

Do we at "FICS THE WORKPLACE" have the right to work with your team (YES!)

Our clients - 2020 TO NOW 2024

2024 - People are wanting Positivity - New Vision - A Fresh Start

So where are we today 2024...

and what have YOU and YOUR TEAM experienced over the last three years...

Let's go back to 2019... Have we forgotten or have we just moved on... 1st Wave

Fear, anxiety, anger and  exhilaration

We were thrown into the unknown. Having to set up virtual offices at HOME and SCHOOL DESKS. Children and parents scramble to find their desk, their place, their voice.

TEAMS and ZOOM the new way of collaborating and communicating... Positive and negative effects on relationships.

Some families were falling apart whilst others find unity.

Some people were stranded for months on their own - ALONE - not being able to look someone in the eyes or experience HUMAN TOUCH. Some loved it, others hated it.

Some people were at their wit's end, stressed out of their minds, and having to learn new skills, Whilst others were very positive and making phenomenal changes in their lives. Either SURVIVE or choose to LIVE.


Fear, anxiety, anger and exhilaration were some of the emotions that surfaced.

PLEASE REMEMBER, that never before in any of our lives have we been so exposed to something that has a tangible, EMOTIONAL, and PHYSICAL IMPACT on everyone. This includes leaders, families, companies, countries, and our world.

We have never been here before...

We have moved past this to the next phase...


Increased bottom line results. PEOPLE say they have never worked as hard and for such long hours. PEOPLE are Physically and Mentally exhausted. They are all used up. They have no choice but to leave the company. - little do they know it’s no better on the other side...

The hybrid way of doing business 2nd Wave

PEOPLE are physically and mentally exhausted, but increased bottom line results

Of course, we all had good reasons for turning the camera off.... Not everyone had a sufficient connection. We had to block out the movement and noises in our environment (home).

The impact of cameras off, attending more than one meeting at a time, sending WhatsApp messages, chatting on “Teams chat” and doing this all at once taught us skills that had to master.

Meetings have become nothing more than a ritual that one has to attend in order to collect information and GET RESULTS. A brand-new breed of humans was being created. An unemotional, logical thinker, self-sufficient, results-driven individual who is resilient, agile, and independent.

The benefit of this new breed of human is it delivers BOTTOM-LINE RESULTS with NO EMOTION...NO NEED FOR PEOPLE SKILLS.

I am utterly shocked at the results that I am seeing in the marketplace... ZOMBIES OF A NEW KIND.

We have moved past this to the next phase...

“I can't do this anymore” 3rd Wave

I feel like a robot
but I’m breaking..

People want to GO BACK to the workplace so that they can SEPARATE work and HOME. But guess what, it HAS CHANGED. Who is vaccinated, who is not. Social distancing... Temperature Checks... The unvaccinated treated like lepers... Unclean... the outcry. Weekly rapid covid tests and the payment deducted off your salary.

Things will never be the same as they were before the Pandemic - IT WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN. Home has changed... the office has changed.

We have to RE-THINK - Karen Jean


Talk about dissension, confusion, disagreement, discord and lack of harmony.

2024 - People are wanting Positivity - New Vision - A Fresh Start

RE-THINK Program

What do you get out of the program:
and master the skills to navigate YOU and YOUR team in this new world...

  • Audit the human in the behaviour of the team

  • Track the results

  • Translate into workable skills

This is our Methodology Audit | Track | Translate

Phase 1


  • Awareness
  • Observation
Phase 2


  • Recognition
Phase 3


  • Results

Audit: Phase 1


Phase 1 Awareness

Awareness will be introduced to the individual team members on a journey of hearing, feeling and experiencing the “AS IS” and practically allowing them to experience, experiment and feel what “Could Be.”

During this part of phase one, your team members will be asked ”are you AWARE of the following...”

For example “are you aware of the impact that it has on you when someone interrupts you when you are talking or trying to explain something” YES OR NO

The power of AWARENESS and the impact that it has on the happiness, wellness and productivity within the people in your team will come alive in this session.

Phase 1 Observation

Once the team members are AWARE that there is a need for change, the OBSERVATION Stage kicks in.

The individual team members will be required to observe, audit a pre designed set of tasks for a period of time...

In this part of phase one, your team members will be required to observe things that they do on a daily basis. This will enable them to indicate a specific behavioural pattern. This is a fun, energising and productive session. Your team members find it intriguing and mind blowing.

There are so many things that happen on a daily basis that one is not even aware of.

Track: Phase 2


Phase 2 Recognition

Track phase two, is at the stage of Recognition that understanding, realisation and buy-in occur and CHANGE is imminent.

I will take your team on a process of intense observation to the point that they will be equipped to recognise specific things and specific behaviour in both themselves, their colleagues and even those people close to them (family, friends and partners)

They will be able to acknowledge and recognise the damaging or debilitating effects of words, actions, situations and behaviour. In addition, they will be able to identify the things that ignite motivation, happiness, wellness and productivity.

Translate: Phase 3


Phase 3 Results

The world has changed and we have never been here before, phase three will be a fluid and ever-changing document.

Translate phase three - Results - This is where skills and change are developed.

Based on information audited and tracked in phase one and two, we navigate our way through the Translate phase three... Results
This is then translated into the learning, designing and mastering of workable skills that will have a direct impact on emotional wellness, team cohesion and bottom line results.

What worked yesterday, may not work tomorrow.

We need to be agile and resilient, but based on real time findings.

Let's RE-think the behaviour of the "HUMAN" in the workplace

What our clients have to say...

Get ready to align your thinking process and skills to year 2024

Program objectives

To equip the individual team members to be AWARE - Where to OBSERVE - How to RECOGNISE:

  • The impact of the past 3 years on thier personal mental and physical wellness

  • Their own behavioural patterns, moods and emotions

  • How their behaviour impacts their colleagues, leaders and client interactions

Program outcome

To equip the individual team members to learn how to AUDIT - TRACK - TRANSLATE:

  • Their behaviour pattern through their daily patterns

  • Their personal triggers-both positive and negative

  • How to RE-THINK and RE-WIRE their thoughts that influence their behaviour

Program content

  • 21 things to reflect back on

  • Have we forgotten or have we just moved on

  • Triggers

  • The up's and down's of life

  • Learn to understand and identify your behavioural pattern

  • Find your happy place

  • The power of communication

  • EQ languaging

  • The disconnect and connects in communication

  • The science behind right and left brain thinking

  • Rewire - Rethink

  • Who is the real version of you

  • So where to from here

About Karen

For the past 2 decades, Karen has developed and empowered Management, Entrepreneurs, Teams, CEO’s and Directors in Communications skills, Management Skills and Team Dynamics.

NONE of those skills and methodologies are enough for todays leaders. IT IS ALL NEW. The world is NEW.

16 years ago Karen began an intense journey OBSERVING human behaviour, gathering data and tracking the results. Karen became proficient in not only RECOGNISING patterns in human behaviour but also anticipating behavioural patterns which influence the CONNECTS and DIS-CONNECTS when people communicate ONLINE - FACE TO FACE - CAMERAS ON or CAMERAS OFF.


Karen is founder and developer of:

  • The Get up and Grow workshops
  • The FICS training and development programs
  • The FICS Behavioural Pattern indicator
  • The SW4 EQ Languaging audit
  • The Languaging behind the Language program

Time to RE-THINK Audit | Track | Translate

How is the RE-THINK program delivered... Program Details

  • Online Membership

    There is a 6 month subscription fee for each team member or private individual.

  • Team Member

    There are 24 lessons that are drip-fed over the 6-month period.

  • Monthly live webinars

    Monthly live webinar sessions to unpack the module completed. the live webinars are presented in various formats - Q&A, debates, discussions, and guest speakers  

  • Unlimited Access to all program modules

    Unlimited access to the RE-THINK modules click and learn membership. 

Don't waste anymore time! Just one click gets you In the room

Live Traning and E-Learning Portal

$327 per candidate once-off payment
  • Click and Learn
  • Monthly live webinar discussions
  • Unlimited access to all the RE-THINK lessons and modules completed
  • The FICS behavioural pattern quiz
  • Unlimited access to any programs that are in the Click and Learn RE-THINK membership site
  • Access to all lesson workbooks and worksheets

Live Traning and E-Learning Portal

$67 per candidate per month x 6 months
  • Click and Learn
  • Monthly live webinar discussions
  • Unlimited access to all the RE-THINK lessons and modules completed
  • The FICS behavioural pattern quiz
  • Unlimited access to any programs that are in the Click and Learn RE-THINK membership site
  • Access to all lesson workbooks and worksheets

Your Details

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