So... lets get real

3 hour live workshop for all woman to dig deeper and connect the up's and down's oflife to you

Are you saying to yourself...

I feel like I am hitting a brick wall
I have built a wall around me
I feel like people are walking all over me
I am at the end of my tether
I can hardly breathe .. I feel so alone
I see the light at the end of the tunnel

ARE you waking up in the morning hating who YOU are?

Do you even remember who YOU really are.

I am so tired, all I want to do is sleep.             

To breathe feels like a mission…When will I stop coming back to this same pain, same feeling, same mess… same hole!

Are you ...

  • Building a wall around yourself

  • Feeling like an absolute failure, but successful

  • At the end of my tether

Would you like to ...

  • Feel alive again

  • Wake up in the morning wanting more of you

  • Clarify the “Crap” that you have been believing

You NEED to get real with "YOU"
I NEED your burning curiosity...
to dig deeper

What's the solution? What's the RESULT?

This is where you get to see the connection between the way that you behave and the ups and downs of life. When you learn how to interpret this, you can be in control of your emotions and moods instead of them controlling you.



You will be shocked at how often woman just like you have no clue where their happy place is and are pepared to live in a place of preception rather than REALITY.

Dig deeper!

Learn skills that will change your life!

Stop being someone else!

Deal with the CRAP!

This is power... This is talent... This is your gift... This is you...

It all begins with a brave FIRST STEP.

Is this for you?

This 3-hour live workshop is for you if you are a woman who has abandoned yourself (YOU) in exchange for everything else or to just plain adapt and survive…


It's time to get real with yourself...


just do it … STOP HOLDING BACK Once YOU start getting real with yourself and dig deeper

It becomes contagious!

Join the 3-hour live workshop.

You go on this positive journey. A new direction, relieved, fulfilled, and excited.   It is not long when WOW ….. DAMN….YOU find yourself in the same hole again, just in another place and another time…

What will you get from doing the 3 hour - get real workshop?

  • You will surround yourself with things and people that make you come alive and repel that which debilitates you

  • You will be in control and not be controlled

  • You will wake up in the morning wanting more of you

It all begins with connecting the ups and downs of life with your behavioural pattern.


Complete the FICS behavioral Pattern assessment

This will indicate many hidden things about the real you and reveal your thinking patterns right now.

This program is for you if...

  • Fascinated by human behaviour

  • Wanting to be in control of your own unique behavioural pattern

  • Wanting more of YOU

This program is not for you if…

  • Want a quick fix to your problems

  • If you want an in-depth workshop

  • If you not open minded

Let's do this!

About me

They call me a Behavioral Analyst, I call me “Successful, intuitive, wise and Damn good at what I do"!

Hi, I'm Karen Jean…
my friends call me

I am a business woman, a very proud mother of 4 children and a besotted “NANNA” of 10 grandbabies.

38 years ago I escaped with 4 young children (two still on nappies) from a 10 year highly abusive marriage. 5 years later, a successful business woman, at the pinnacle of my career but losing everything that was important and REAL.

Success was my driving force which became my addiction. I hurt my children, gave them everything, except me. In fact I even gave myself everything and lost ME.

It took one experience to change my life forever! (or should I say, start my journey)
My youngest daughter ran past me to my house keeper and said “mommie please will you tie my shoe lace.” My children had no father, and had now also lost their Mother.

I immediately gave up most of my businesses and just kept one business but focused on being a mom and homemaker. This lead to a nervous breakdown, extreme unhappiness, instability and loneliness.

What was I doing wrong? Why was I such a mess?!

How did it happen, when did it happen. Where did the real ME go and how do I find me again.  The journey of finding me and finding my children is the methodology and ethos of this program.

I studied, I observed, I learned. There had to be a way to understand the individual minds, hearts and souls of my children, be successful  and BRING the REAL ME back.

Today, with  26 years of experience in the training, coaching and human development arena, training CEO’s of companies, business woman and entrepreneurs in the skillful art leadership and talent management

16 years ago, I was shocked and shattered by the number of woman in business or woman of influence who trade or sabotage themselves for success, status, survival…..etc  (just like I did)

This program and my methodology was birthed. It was birthed because it had to BE.

It was long overdue.

I work with women of influence who have achieved high, indulged in the accolades of success and abandoned themselves in exchange for status, children, relationships,  success, survival….

I can honestly say that I live my life in MY HAPPY STATE.  I will never give up ME for anything or anyone ever again.

Everything that I teach is practical. I live it.

I self AUDIT daily,  I TRACK my behavior and thoughts and I TRANSLATE it into workable choices.  I keep this data safe in my emotional HUMAN BLUEPRINT VOLT.

My clients do the same.


If you do not deal with your CRAP, your CRAP will deal with you ~ Karen Jean ~

This is what the awesome ladies who have attended the program are saying

Ready to join? Let's get started now

was $97

Now $47

Get Real 3-hour workshop

$47 once-off payment
  • The 3-hour live group workshop
  • FICS Behavioural Pattern Assessment
  • Mini Get Real Workbook

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Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.