8-week live group coaching program for Woman in leadership to audit, track and design your personal Identity blueprint!

Are you super-everything? Super-Boss, Super-Mom, Super-Woman?

You see, you start out with an idea, a desire, a dream, a fantasy, it grows into passion and a force to be reckoned with. You take on the world, you work, you market, you sell.

You become all to all, make it happen, eat sleep and breathe business whilst receiving the coveted accolades of success.

BUT where are YOU in this process? Have you grown, have you adapted, have you survived or have you become someone else, a twisted version of yourself?

It all begins with an intense 7 day AUDIT.

Where do you start?

You will audit your enviroment, behavioral patterns, EQ language, thinking process, decision making and relationships..

This audit will be conducted in real time whilst doing your daily routine, work, human interactions and business.

We all have patterns. They govern our decision making and influence relationships, career choices, responses and behavior.

  • The 7 days Intense audit begins

    Each day, for 7 consecutive days, you will wake up in the morning armed with deliberate intention.

    Each morning clear instructions will be drip fed into your own personal course hub. 

    Do the AUDIT - TRACK the results!

    At the end of the 7-day audit, the results will be revealed in a 1:1 feedback session with me.

You will be shocked at how often woman just like you, grow, develop, build successful businesses and have abandoned themselves in exchange for SUCCESS.

Armed with your private and confidential DATA in hand, you will learn to TRANSLATE this DATA into workable, well-thought-through behaviour and solutions that force you to give up everything that is not YOU and outsource everything that sucks the life out of you, whilst still being in control of you, your business and your SUCCESS.

You will learn to captivate and release the INNATE, INBORN, UNLEARNED version of YOU.

This is power - This is talent - This is your gift - This is you!

You will never weaken, dilute or EXCHANGE yourself for SUCCESS again.

You will rather elevate and ignite success through YOU!

What's the solution? What's the RESULT?

Through an incredibly intense, exciting and mind blowing process, you will learn to to SCRUTINISE EVERYTHING YOU DO AND EVERYTHING YOU ARE in order to discover the real YOU. Your thoughts, behaviours and patterns in your real time daily routines, work, human interactions and business are all what builds YOU into something POWERFUL 

your data is GOLD… It needs to be locked away in your private and confidential emotional VOLT.  It is YOUR Secret, in fact YOUR GIFT,  it is MAGIC… it is your BLUEPRINT… It is what will DRIVE YOU… IGNITE YOU and make you never want to do anything, be anything and choose anything that is not YOU.

The greatest gift you can give yourself...

is to come into the year 2024, removing anything that is no longer needed, any blockages and any fears, so that you can see yourself more accurately in order to live the best version of you!

Is this for you?

This 8-week live group coaching program is for you if you are a woman of influence who’s achieved high, indulged in the accolades of your success (or your partner's success), and abandoned yourself (YOU) in exchange for status, children, partners or just plain survival…


There are so many versions of YOU


Which ones are REAL?
Which ones are killing you?
Which ones are driving you?
Which ones are not?

just do it … STOP HOLDING BACK Once revealed, this data is GOLD. it is your personal secret, YOUR GIFT, your MAGIC…

it is your Personal Blueprint!

I NEED your burning curiosity...
to dig deeper

Join Now and get

  • Your own Private VOLT

    This is your online course hub... Your private and confidential VOLT where all your personal audits, collated data, tracked thought processes behavioral patterning, will be kept.

  • Entrance into the I will find you before you do program

    For 7 consecutive days, you will receive daily instructions as to what you need to Audit and Track.  This data will give you quick wins and begin the process of revealing the many versions of you.

  • Access to the Group training portal

    Learn and grow, anywhere, anytime.  You plan your learning.                                                     Access to training videos, motivational wisdom and your personal journal.

  • Access to the membership site for a period of 8 weeks

    You will have access to the membership site for 8 weeks where you will meet woman who have attended the program. This is invaluable. Watch motivational videos.

  • Access to the 8 weekly live ZOOM group coaching sessions

    Live training with Karen Jean, Q&A’s, sharing success stories, learning from each other, addressing fears and concerns, growing, clarifying and meeting fellow people who are going through the program with you at the same time

  • Behavioral pattern and EQ languaging quiz

    This will highlight the way that you are thinking and behaving at present and more than likely who you think you are.

Join the 8 week Group coaching program. This is where the  Power begins.

You will learn to be in control and not be controlled.  The awareness and understanding of your own unique HUMAN BLUEPRINT will  assist you to track your moods, triggers and reactions.  Ultimately, it may give you insight to pre-empt behavior, influence responses and in some situations even control outcomes.

What will you get from doing the 8 week - I will find you before you do - program?

  • The many versions of you will be revealed through audits, tracking data and translating the information

  • You will be able to identify which versions of you are real and which ones are imposters

  • You will create your living PERSONAL BLUEPRINT, which will serve as document through which you will align decision making.

  • You will learn to consciously audit on a daily basis.

  • You will choose relationships wisely

  • You will purchase intentionally

  • You will surround yourself with things and people that make you come alive and repel that which debilitates you

  • You will be in control and not be controlled

  • You will wake up in the morning wanting more of you

I use the following methods to impart,  transfer  and embed your new skills:
  • Experiential learning

  • Case studies

  • Short videos

  • Self auditing

  • Small group discussions

  • Group interaction and participation

  • Research

  • Testimonies

  • Story telling

  • Group coaching and where required 1:1 coaching

  • Awareness | observation | recognition

  • Practical application to ignite sustainable chang


Complete the FICS behavioral pattern quiz

This will indicate many hidden things about the real you and reveal your thinking patterns right now.

And that's not all

The morning wake up brain talk - Learn to challenge and track your sleeping patterns, wake up thoughts and EQ languaging.

Let's do this!

About me

They call me a Behavioral Analyst, I call me “Successful, intuitive, wise and Damn good at what I do"!

Hi, I'm Karen Jean…
my friends call me

I am a mother, business woman and a nanna to my grandbabies.

38 years ago I escaped with 4 young children (two still on nappies) from a 10 year highly abusive marriage. 5 years later, a successful business woman, at the pinnacle of my career but losing everything that was important and REAL.

Success was my driving force which became my addiction. I hurt my children, gave them everything, except me. In fact I even gave myself everything and lost ME.

It took one experience to change my life forever! (or should I say, start my journey)
My youngest daughter ran past me to my house keeper and said “mommie please will you tie my shoe lace.” My children had no father, and had now also lost their Mother.

I immediately gave up most of my businesses and just kept one business but focused on being a mom and homemaker. This lead to a nervous breakdown, extreme unhappiness, instability and loneliness.

What was I doing wrong? Why was I such a mess?!

How did it happen, when did it happen. Where did the real ME go and how do I find me again.  The journey of finding me and finding my children is the methodology and ethos of this program.

I studied, I observed, I learned. There had to be a way to understand the individual minds, hearts and souls of my children, be successful  and BRING the REAL ME back.

Today, with  26 years of experience in the training, coaching and human development arena, training CEO’s of companies, business woman and entrepreneurs in the skillful art leadership and talent management

16 years ago, I was shocked and shattered by the number of woman in business or woman of influence who trade or sabotage themselves for success, status, survival…..etc  (just like I did)

This program and my methodology was birthed. It was birthed because it had to BE.

It was long overdue.

I work with women of influence who have achieved high, indulged in the accolades of success and abandoned themselves in exchange for status, children, relationships,  success, survival….

I can honestly say that I live my life in MY HAPPY STATE.  I will never give up ME for anything or anyone ever again.

Everything that I teach is practical. I live it.

I self AUDIT daily,  I TRACK my behavior and thoughts and I TRANSLATE it into workable choices.  I keep this data safe in my emotional HUMAN BLUEPRINT VOLT.

My clients do the same.


If you do not know who you are, someone will tell you who you are and you will beleive it! ~ Karen Jean ~

2024 - This is the year to Re-think and Rewire

Ready to join? Let's get started now

Pay In Full

$997 once-off payment
  • The 8 week I will find you before you do group coaching program
  • 1:1 reveal the results of the audit

Payment Plan

$397 x 3 montly payments
  • The 8 week I will find you before you do group coaching program
  • 1:1 reveal the results of the audit

Want more? Dive down deeper

Pay In Full

$2997 once-off payment
  • The 8 week I will find you before you do group coaching program
  • 4 x 1 hour private coaching session with Karen Jean
  • 1:1 reveal the results of the audit

Payment Plan

$1157 x 3 monthly payments
  • The 8 week I will find you before you do group coaching program
  • 4 x 1 hour private coaching session with Karen Jean
  • 1:1 reveal the results of the audit



Here are answers to some commonly asked questions.

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